Logbook Oct.2004

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EVE Online (→ http://www.eve-online.com/)

なんか、旅に出ている間に patch でもあたったっぽい。
しかも、Skill が増えているのを確認。

Trade Skill Category
Name Description Attribute Req. Skill
Trade Knowledge of the market and skill at manipulating it. Active sell order limit increased by 4 per level of skill.trade premium bonus -5 PRI:WIL
Accounting Proficiency at squaring away the odds and ends of business transactions, keeping the check books tight. Each level of skill reduces transaction tax by 10%. PRI:CHA
Trade Level V
Broker Relations Proficiency at driving down market-related costs. Each level of skill grants a 5% reduction in the costs associated with setting up a market order, which usually come to 1% of the order痴 total value. This can be further influenced by the player's standing towards the owner of the station where the order is entered. PRI:WIL
Trade Level II
Daytrading Allows for remote modification of buy and sell orders. Each level of skill increases the range at which orders may be modified. Level 1 allows for modification of orders within the same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for market order modification anywhere within current region. PRI:CHA
Trade Level IV
Margin Trading Ability to make potentially risky investments work in your favor. Each level of skill reduces the percentage of ISK placed in market escrow when entering buy orders. Starting with an escrow percentage of 100% at Level 1, each skill level cumulatively reduces the percentage by 25%. PRI:CHA
Accounting Level IV
Marketing Skill at selling items remotely. Each level increases the range from the seller to the item being sold. Level 1 allows for the sale of items within the same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for sale of items located anywhere within current region. PRI:CHA
Trade Level II
Procurement Proficiency at placing remote buy orders on the market. Level 1 allows for the placement of orders within the same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for placement of remote buy orders anywhere within current region.
Note: placing buy orders and directly buying an item are not the same thing. Direct remote purchase requires no skill.
Marketing Level II
Retail Ability to organize and manage market operations. Each level raises the limit of active orders by 8. PRI:WIL
Trade Level II
Visibility Skill at promoting your product effectively. Each level increases a remote sell order's radius of effect from origin. Level 1 allows for range within same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for a full regional range. PRI:CHA
Procurement Level IV
Wholesale Ability to organize and manage large-scale market operations. Each level raises the limit of active orders by 16. PRI:CHA
Retail Level V
Marketing II
Learning Skill Category
Clarity SOCT Advanced awareness training. While this training obviously is of great value to anyone, the most impressive results are achieved by students with great latent potential. These students develop almost superhuman sensory abilities and can react to stimuli so fast that, to the untrained eye, it almost seems as if they can predict the future.
Further 1 point bonus to Perception per level
Spatial Awareness Level V
Eidetic Memory SOCT Advanced mnemonic training. While this training obviously is of great value to anyone, the most impressive results are achieved by students with great latent potential, allowing them to recall nearly anything they have ever experienced with total lucidity.
Further 1 point bonus to Memory per level
Instant Recall Level V
Focus SOCT Advanced self-discipline training. While this training obviously is of great value to anyone, the most impressive results are achieved by students with great latent potential. These students are able to remain focused and alert under extreme pressure, and can ignore pain and fatigue for extended periods of time.
Further 1 point bonus to Willpower per level
Iron Will Level V
Logic SOCT Advanced intelligence training. While this training obviously is of great value to anyone, the most impressive results are achieved by students with great latent potential. These students develop an intuitive understanding of complex patterns and are able to grasp esoteric concepts with incredible ease.
Further 1 point bonus to Intelligence per level
Analytical Mind Level V
Presence SOCT Advanced social consciousness training. While this training obviously is of great value to anyone, the most impressive results are achieved by students with great latent potential. Training in this skill allows a student to develop heightened mental sensitivity, to the point of being able to sense the surface mood and emotions of a person.
Further 1 point bonus to Charisma per level
Empathy Level V
Spaceship Command Skill Category
Heavy Assault Ships Skill for operation of the Heavy Assault class cruisers. PRI:WIL
Assault Ship Level IV
Weapon Upgrades Level V
Spaceship Command Level V

例によって例の如く、普段気にしてない skill については増えているかどうか分からないのであしからず〜。

Learning 系の skill が増えているのはいいんだが、Attribute での Primary とかが以前と変わっているのが、ちときちー。(^^;
以前は、Memory と Intelligence をあげておけば良かったんだが、今回のは上がる Attribute が Primary になっているので、低い Attribute は低いなりの時間がかかってしまうという........
「わーい、Alt Chara の Perception をまたあげれられるー」
ま、ぼちぼち放置でいくしかないかー。Rank 3 だから時間かかるのがあれだが。

あと、あっし的目玉は「Heavy Assault Ships」だな。
が、skill がむっちゃきちぃぃぃ。(^^;;;
Cruiser Class だからしゃーないっちゃー、しゃーないんだが。(T-T

Trade 系は、やっと入ったって感じなんだろうけど、全然注目してなかったので分からないっす。(笑)
Category が増えていたから気が付いたようなもんだし。

とりあえず、急がば回れの Learning 系 skill up かなぁ。

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